Artificial turf is often thought of for its more traditional applications such as football fields, but artificial turf has now become the number one choice of daycares, kindergartens, schools and municipalities when designing their parks and playgrounds.
FieldTurf’s Play-Safe System provides a consistent Critical Fall Height rating for up to eight years and combines the benefits of artificial grass with the additional safety of a playground shock pad. FieldTurf’s IPEMA certified products are able to meet the ASTM 1292 Critical Fall Height requirements for up to 12 feet and meet all ASTM 1951 ADA certification requirements.
FieldTurf has a proprietary 100% permeable, nonabsorbent backing that drains faster than real grass and better than any other artificial grass surface available. Other turf backings with hole-punched or felt backing can’t effectively drain quickly leading to odor, bacteria buildup, as well as the potential for standing water areas.
Every project is different and we at FieldTurf understand this. Our artificial turf comes in an array of colors to make sure you playground is a truly unique experience.
Colored artificial grass is highly adaptable to nearly any existing surface. It can be laid over any exterior surface and adhered to almost any surface shape or type. This flexibility removes all previous limitations placed on playground design and function.